Solomon Islands Visa

Solomon Islands Visa for Kuwait passport holder living in Egypt

Tourist visa
not required
Business visa
not required

Citizens of Kuwait can apply for a visitor permit on arrival for a stay of up to 30 days. Applicants must show evidence of return transportation, the ability to enter their next destination, and proof of sufficient funds.

A visitor who wishes to engage in business for more than 30 days will require an approval from the Commissioner of Labour.

Solomon Islands business visa is not required for citizens of Kuwait for a stay up to 30 days.

Solomon Islands 

Sounds good! What else do I need to know while planning a trip to Solomon Islands?

  • First, check the current validity of your passport.

  • Second, make sure your passport has blank Visa pages.

  • Finally, confirm if transit visa is required for any connections.

    Check with your airline in case you have connecting flights overseas as part of your journey to Solomon Islands. It may be the case that countries you pass through en route to your destination may require a separate transit visa. Please refer to visa requirements of the specific country.

  • Solomon Islands visa for citizens of Kuwait is required. For more information please contact the nearest Solomon Islands embassy.

    This information is available at website.
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